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16mhz_resonator.jpg Picture of the ZTT 16MHz resonator
2015-03-06_11_03_49-getting_temp_from_ds18b20_to_an_attiny___control_a_relay__anything_arduino__ep.1.png Picture of the finished circuit DS18B20, relay and ATtiny85.
2015-05-20_11_51_42-rfid.mp4_-_mediaspelaren_vlc.png Picture showing the setup with all the demo mechanism attached.
2015-09-02_21.31.09.jpg Picture of the Arduino Bumper Robot from Anything Arduino episode 15.
2015-09-21_08_55_22-ep17_1sheeld_accelerometer.mp4_-_mediaspelaren_vlc.png Picture of the robot being steered with an Android tablet and the 1Sheeld in action
2015-11-29_19_33_56-pir_sensor__motion_activated_halloween_scare_prank_courtesy_of_anything_arduino.png How to connect the MP3 module to the Arduino.
6248481.jpg Picture of the Battery shield.
7segled.gif Pin configuration diagram for both common anode and common cathode 7-segment led displays. Shows whi
apple_remote_and_arduino.png Picture of the Apple remote and the Arduino setup to catch the commands from the Apple Remote.
arduino_midi_shield.jpg Picture of the Arduino Midi Shield
arduino_protoshield_v6_detail.jpg Picture of the Freeduino Protoshield with pin and hole assigments.
arduino_protoshield_v6_pcb.jpg Picture of the Freeduino Protoshield without comments.
arduino_sd_shield.jpg Picture of the MicroSD shield for the Arduino
arduino-usb-hid-small.jpg Picture of a Virtual USB Keyboard made on a ProtoShield
atmega328p.jpg a picture of the DIL package 328.
atmega328w.png Pin diagram and comparison diagram between the pins on the ATMega 328 and the Arduino.
attiny_pinout_vs_arduino.jpg Pinout reference sheet between Arduino and the Attiny45, ATtiny85, Attiny44 and Attiny84.
attiny45-85.png Picture of the pinouts when using the ATtiny 45 or ATtiny 85 as an Arudino
boardino.jpg Picture of the DC Boarduino
chainduino.jpg Picture of the chainduino (prototype version)
digitrac.png Screenshot of the diy logic analyzer
enc28j60.jpg Picture of the ENC28J60.
finishedcube.jpg Picture of Jamies Physical Gmail Notifier.
fritzing_screenshot.jpg A screenshot of the Fritzing software. Showing an arduino connected to a breadboard with a n LED.
gobetweenshield.jpg The go-between shield. Easily reroute pins from bottom to top.
humtempcontroller.png A picture of the finished project hanging on the wall
img_1960.jpg Pictre of a prototype board with the USB-interface on.
img_2329.jpg Diagram that shows how to light up the LEDs to display specific numbers. Works for both common anode
img_2383.jpg Picture showing the setup arduino-595-7segment led display
img_4301.jpg Picture of the robot with the Ping sensor attached.
img_4717.jpg The connection table for the sketch in Anything Arduino Episode 22.
ir_demodulator.png Pinout configuration of the Vishay tsop 38238
ladyada_protoshield.jpg Picture of the LadyAda protoshield
led7segment4_6.jpg Image of a 4 digit 7 segment led display.
make-your-own-1x1-22-io-pin-ardunio-compatible.jpg picture of the assembled ExtraCore.
mapbh.gif Simple power supply from 9V to 5V used in this project.
miniduino_pinout_reference_sheet.png Pinout reference sheet for the Mini Duino+ (prototype).
photoresistor.jpg Picture of a standard Photo resistor.
practical-arduino-cover-small.jpg Cover picture of Practical Arduino
psb-top-parts-on_large.jpg Picture of the Freetronics basic Protoboard
pyserial.png Logotype for the pySerial interface program
rbb_arduino_cylon_scanner.jpg Picture of a really bare bone arduino cylon scanner. Using only 10 leds, 1 resonator and one atmega
resistor_color_coder.jpg Screenshot of the Resistor Color Coder
sainsmart-2-channel-5v-relay-module.jpg Picture of the 2channel relay board from Sain Smart.
schempubmain.gif Screenshot from the Schematic Publisher program by Ray Wilson
screen_shot_2015-12-20_at_23.41.53.png Picture of the circuit made in Anything Arduino Episode 22.
sparkfun_protoshield.jpg Picture of the SparkFun protoshield kit.
tsop382_pinout.png Pinout for TSOP38238.