
Humidity and Temperature Controller

Using DHT11 and ATtiny85

Courtesy/Thanks to: Kristian Blåsol

Description: This simple project uses a DHT11 to measure Humidity and Temperature in a room. It then uses two relays to switch on/off a heater and a dehumidifer. For error checking a series of LED blinks was added, see code or video for more exact info on this.


Video: Using a DHT11 and ATtiny to control humidity and temperature [Anything Arduino] (ep4)


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Added 2020-09-15 22:15:08 by dan

This is great! Thank you.

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Added 2020-04-06 14:16:20 by en05rhe

can i have the code please

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Added 2017-10-17 23:09:26 by benjamin

can you give me the schematic diagram please ..

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Added 2017-08-26 18:01:28 by sem

Thank you man you are smart man

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Added 2016-09-01 21:28:16 by noproblema1

hello. i love what you have done here. i have a pet python and needed to control its humidity because i live in a low humidity area. the only thing i changed in the code was the high and low because i am using a humidifier not dehumidifier. so once the humidity goes higher than 55 percent the humidifier turns off. so everything is hooked up perfect and the humidifier turns off when humidity hits 55 percent but the problem im having is that it wont turn back on after the humidity goes lower than 55 percent. i have tried using different attiny85 boards, and ive used 4 different relay modules but still cant get it to turn the humidifier back on. could you or anyone please help me with this problem, ive been trying for weeks and there arent manygood codes for this type of controller. im new to electronics but have been playing around with arduinos as a hobby for about 6 months now and have a very basic knowledge but enough to get me around. thank you very much

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Added 2016-06-08 15:47:50 by xcsper

nicely done, but where do i get the code

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Added 2016-02-11 08:33:09 by delbandung

Dear Duinos, Tank you for the code ... keep nice job and new idea

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Added 2015-07-29 23:00:16 by comeondude

how i download code ?

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Added 2015-07-29 22:59:05 by comeondude


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Added 2015-06-02 09:35:04 by moder

nice job but how you did ATtiny

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humtempcontroller.png A picture of the finished project hanging on the wall
humtempcontroller.ino The sketch for the humidity and temperature controller. This one is with debugging code that blinks
mapbh.gif Simple power supply from 9V to 5V used in this project.
Parts used
ATtiny85 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 8K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
2 relay module 2 channel 5V Relay module